تدبر قرآن مولانا امین احسن اصلاحی

Tadabur Ul Quan By Amin Ahsan Islahi تدبر قرآن مولانا امین احسن اصلاحی

Tadabur Ul Quan, By Amin Ahsan Islahi تدبر قرآن مولانا امین احسن اصلاحی


Vol1: Read / Download
Vol2: Read / Download
Vol3: Read / Download
Vol4: Read / Download
Vol5: Read / Download
Vol6: Read / Download
Vol7: Read / Download
Vol8: Read / Download
Vol9: Read / DownloadOverview of Surahs: Read / Download

Tadabur Ul Quan By Amin Ahsan Islahi تدبر قرآن مولانا امین احسن اصلاحی

The Tadabbur-i-Qur’an is a monumental commentary of the Qur’an written by Amin Ahsan Islahi (d: 1997). Extending over nine volumes of six thousand pages, this masterful work was completed in a span of twenty two years. It is a unique commentary in its own sense. ‘Abide by the truth even if your shadow deserts you’, was Maulana Islahi’s life-long motto and anyone who has had a chance to carefully read this commentary will testify that Islahi has tried his utmost to live up to this motto. He has tried to delve deep to ascertain the meaning and purport of the Qur’anic verses and has openly confessed where he has been unable to do justice with understanding some verse.If Islahi’s mentor Hamid Uddin Farahi (d: 1930) founded the view that the Qur’an possessed structural and thematic nazm (coherence; meaningful arrangement), it is Islahi who established in his commentary that this was actually correct.

Foreword A, Foreword B
Selections from Tadabur ul Quran: Download

Tafsir of Surah 34 to 114:

1 100 Surah Adiyat
2 101 Surah Qari’ah
3 102 Surah Takathur
4 103 Surah ‘Asr
5 104 Surah Humazah
6 105 Surah Feel
7 106 Surah Quraysh
8 107 Surah Ma’un (1)
9 107 Surah Ma’un
10 108 Surah Kawthar
11 109 Surah Kafirun
12 110 Surah Nasr
13 111 Surah Lahab
14 112 Surah Ikhlas
15 113 Surah Falaq
16 114 Surah Nas
17 34_Surah_Saba
18 35_Surah_Fatir
19 36_Surah_Yasin
20 37_Surah_Saffat
21 38_Surah_Suad
22 39_Surah_Zumar
23 40_Surah_Mu’min
24 41SurahHaMimSajdah
25 42SurahShura
26 43 Surah Zukhruf
27 44 Surah Dukhan
28 45 Surah Jathiyah
29 46 Surah Ahqaf
30 47 Surah Muhammad
31 48 Surah Fath
32 49 Surah Hujurat
33 50 Surah Qaf
34 51 Surah Dhariyat
35 52 Surah Tur
36 53 Surah Najm
37 54 Surah Qamar
38 55 Surah Rahman
39 56 Surah Waqiyah
40 57 Surah Hadid
41 58 Surah Mujadalah
42 59 Surah Hashr
43 60 Surah Mumtahinah
44 61 Surah Saff
45 62 Surah Jumuah
46 63 Surah Munafiqun
47 64 Surah Taghabun
48 65 Surah Talaq
49 66 Surah Tahrim
50 67 Surah Mulk
51 68 Surah Qalam
52 69 Surah Haqqah
53 70 Surah Ma’arij
54 71 Surah Nuh
55 72 Surah Jinn
56 73 Surah Muzzammil
57 74 Surah Muddaththir
58 75 Surah Qiyamah
59 76 Surah Dahr
60 77 Surah Mursalat [Eng] (1)
61 77 Surah Mursalat [Eng]
62 78 Surah Naba
63 79 Surah Nazi’at
64 80 Surah Abas
65 81 Surah Takwir
66 82 Surah Infitar
67 83 Surah Mutaffifin
68 84 Surah Inshiqaq
69 85 Surah Buruj
70 86 Surah Tariq
71 87 Surah A’la
72 88 Surah Ghashiyah
73 89 Surah Fajr
74 90 Surah Balad
75 91 Surah Shams
76 92 Surah Layl
77 93 Surah Duha
78 94 Surah Alam Nashrah
79 95 Surah Tin
80 96 Surah Alaq
81 97 Surah Qadr
82 98 Surah Bayyinah
83 99 Surah Zilzal
84 Foreword (1)
85 Foreword

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