فتح افغانستان

فتح افغانستان

Fatah e Afghanistan

فتح افغانستان

Free download or read online another History related Urdu book “Fath-e-Afghanistan” (The victory of Afghanistan) and read the history of brilliant Afghans in plain Urdu language. “Fath-e-Afghanistan” is the title name of this Urdu book which is authored by Mr. Mustafa Kamal Pasha. The author of this book Mustafa Kamal Pasha is a political and defense analyst, journalist and one of the few historians who write the history neutrally. During his studies at International University, the author met with an Arab professor and then went to the valleys of Hindu Kush. Fath-i-Afghanistan book is the conclusion of this journey.

Fatah-e-Afghanistan Pdf Urdu book is all about the Afghan war during the Soviet Union aggression on Afghanistan. However the author Mr. Pasha has also written the some parts of the history of Afghanistan in easy Urdu language. Fath-e-Afghanistan covers all the events from Ahmed Shah Durrani to Zahir Shah. The author has also narrated the Anti Afghan Policies of Russia and India.

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Brief Information about the Pdf eBook
Book Name: Fath-e-Afghanistan
Writer: Mustafa Kamal
Language: Urdu
Format: Pdf
Size: 14.01 MB
Pages: 300
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