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Toggle10th Class Chemistry Notes
10th Class Chemistry Chapter Wise Notes Our Notes Useful Syllabus all Punjab has 10 BISE Intermediate and Secondary Education Boards, including list blow. With our instructive materials, you can get ready in excess of 100 percent of your imprints. It is a standout amongst other instructive substance on the web. This instructive material has been managed by experienced instructors. Made by an accomplished Physics educator.
Bahawalpur.DG Khan, Faisalabad, Gujranwala, Lahore, Multan, Rawalpindi.Sahiwal, Sargodha,& Federal Boards.
Chapter 9: Chemical Equilibrium
- Chapter Introduction
- Reversible reaction and dynamic equilibrium
- Macroscopic characteristics of dynamic equilibrium
- Law of Mass action; Derivation of the expression equilibrium constant for general reaction
- Equilibrium constant and its units
- Importance of equilibrium constant
- Society, Technology, and Science
Sir Numan Sadaf Sahib (Govt model High School 343 GB)
10th Class Chemistry Notes/کیمسٹری نوٹس
Chemical Equilibrium – کیمیکل ایکوی لبریم
Chapter 9: Chemical Equilibrium
- Chapter Introduction
- Reversible reaction and dynamic equilibrium
- Macroscopic characteristics of dynamic equilibrium
- Law of Mass action; Derivation of the expression equilibrium constant for general reaction
- Equilibrium constant and its units.
Chapter 10: Acids, Bases, and Salts ایسڈبیس اور سالٹ
- Chapter Introduction
- Concepts of acids and bases
- Lab
- General properties of acids
- General properties of bases; Uses of acids and bases
Chapter 11: Organic Chemistry آرگینک کیمسٹری
- Chapter Introduction
- Organic compounds; Classification of organic compounds
- Diversity and magnitude of organic compounds
- General characteristics of organic compounds
Chapter 12: Hydrocarbons ہائیڈرو کاربنز
- Chapter Introduction
- Alkanes; Sources of alkanes; Preparation of alkanes
- Physical properties of alkanes; Chemical reactions of alkanes
- Uses of methane and ethane
- Alkenes; Occurrence of alkenes; Preparation of alkenes
- Physical properties of alkenes; Chemical reactions of alkenes
- Uses of ethene
- 👇👇👇👇
Chapter 13: Biochemistry بائیو کیمسٹر ی
- Chapter Introduction
- Carbohydrates; Monosaccharides; Oligosaccharides
- Sources and uses of carbohydrates
- Society, Technology, and Science
Chapter 14: Environmental Chemistry I: Atmosphere ایمٹوسفیئر
- Chapter Introduction
- Composition of the atmosphere; Layers of the atmosphere; Troposphere; Stratosphere
- Pollutants; Types of pollutants
Water پانی
- Chapter Introduction
- The occurrence of water; Properties of water
- Water as a solvent
- Soft and hard water
- Types of the hardness of water
- Methods of removing hardness
- Disadvantages of hard water
- Water pollution
- Industrial effluents; Domestic effluents; Agricultural effluents
Chapter 16: Chemical Industries کیمیکل انڈسٹری
- Chapter Introduction
- Basic metallurgical operations
- Manufacture of Sodium carbonate by Solvay’s process
- Society, Science, and Technology
- Manufacture of urea
- Society, Technology, and Scienc
Chapter 10: Acids, Bases, and Salts
- Chapter Introduction
- Concepts of acids and bases
- General properties of acids
- General properties of bases; Uses of acids and bases
- pH scale; Indicators
- Salts; Preparation of salts; Types of salts; Uses of salts; Neutralization reaction
- Society, Technology, and Science
Chapter 11: Organic Chemistry
- Chapter Introduction
- Organic compounds; Classification of organic compounds
- Diversity and magnitude of organic compounds
- General characteristics of organic compounds
- Uses of organic compounds
- Alkanes and alkyl radicals
- Functional groups
- Double and triple bond
Chapter 12: Hydrocarbons
- Chapter Introduction
- Alkanes; Sources of alkanes; Preparation of alkanes
- Physical properties of alkanes; Chemical reactions of alkanes
- Uses of methane and ethane
Chapter 13: Biochemistry
- Chapter Introduction
- Carbohydrates; Monosacchaides; Oligosaccharides
- Sources and uses of carbohydrates
- Society, Technology and Science
- Nucleic acids; Deoxyribonucleic acid; Ribonucleic acid
Chapter 14: Environmental Chemistry I : Atmosphere
- Chapter Introduction
- Composition of atmosphere; Layers of atmosphere; Troposphere; Stratosphere
- Acid rain and its effects
- Ozone and its depletion
Chapter 15: Environmental Chemistry II : Water
- Chapter Introduction
- Occurrence of water; Properties of water
- Water as a solvent
- Soft and hard water
Chapter 16: Chemical Industries
- Chapter Introduction
- Basic metallurgical operations
- Manufacture of Sodium carbonate by Solvay’s process
- Society, Science and Technology
- Manufacture of urea
- Society, Technology and Science
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