Dars e Nizami Syllabus in Bangla

Dars e Nizami বাংলা ভাষায় দার্স ই নিজামী কোর্স সিলেবাস Dars e Nizami Syllabus in Bangla

Dars e Nizami واپس

Dars e Nizami Syllabus in Bangla

বাংলা ভাষায় দার্স ই নিজামী কোর্স সিলেবাস


Before utilizing this section, please refer to following important points:

  • We have compiled this bookshelf by combining recommended books of various Dar ul Ulloms. It is expected that there would be variation from Madrasa to Madrasa based on their specific audience and objectives. It is, therefore, up to the teachers and instructions to decide which books they choose from below (or outside the ones available here).
  • It is not expected that all of the following books will be taught in full during the course. Teachers can select from these (as well as from those books which not listed here), as they consider appropriate.
  • We have a number of other relevant books on the Darse Nizami subjects too. Please refer to our other bookshelves in order to access these huge collections, inshaAllah.
  • Dars e Nizami Syllabus in Bangla course is generally 8 years (starting from Sanviyyah Aamah) and also includes other mandatory textbooks on English, Maths, Science etc. However, variations exist in the course offerings and some institutions also offer a six year course. We have followed the curriculum of those institutions which offer a 6 year Alim course focusing solely on core Islamic sciences.
  • Teachers can also use the books below for comparative study (e.g. studying tafseer from various books, or studying various topics on Fiqh from multiple books etc.)

REQUEST: We are in need of more Alim course books in Bangla. If you can support us in that regard, that would be highly appreciated.


Dars e Nizami Syllabus in Bangla

Ability to read ArabicResources:
Learn to read Quran in 1 hour – Watch
27 Hours Nurani Quraner Shikkha: Download
Easho Quran shekhi: Part-1, Part-2,Part-3, Part-4 

Dars e Nizami Syllabus in Bangla

Year 1:

1. Quran Translation and Tafseer

Complete translation and commentary of the Quran should be covered in 5 years. Divide the Quran in 5 parts accordingly. 1 part will be studied in each year.


2. Hadith Nawawi

40 Hadith An-Nawawi – (Translation, explanation and memorization) –
Version 1 (prepared by Islamhouse): Download
Version 2: Download
Watch (Bangla only)

Alternatively, cover Alfiahtu Hadith: Download

3. Tajweed

10 minute a tajweed shikha – Download
Alternate: Jamalul Quran – 10 munite a tajweed shikha – Download
Al-Masaid Li Taleem Qira’ah – Download

4. Grammar:

Esho Arbi Shikhi – Download

4a. Sarf:
Select from:
Easho sorf Shikhi – Download
আযীযুল মুবতাদী  (Aziz ul Mubtada – Mizan us Sarf) – Download
Ilm us Sheegha: Download
Ilm us Sarf – Download

4b. Nahv:
Select from:
​Easho Nahu Shikhi – Download
Hidayat un Nahv: Read / Download
Hidayatun Nahw: Mabhathul Harf Notes – Read / Download

5. Manners

Adab ul Maufad: Download
Zad ut Talibeen – Download
Everyday of a Muslim in the light of Sunnah: Download
Sahih Kitab ul Dua – Read / Download
Taleem ul Muta’alim: Read / Download

​6. Fiqh

Easho fiqah shikhi – Download
Binat: Bihishti Zevar (Selected chapters): Vol1Vol2Vol3
Baneen: Bihishti Gohar – Download

Alternatively, cover Bulugh Al Maraam:
Read: তাহক্বীক্ব বুলুগুল মারামবুলুগুল মারাম
Download: তাহক্বীক্ব বুলুগুল মারাম, বুলুগুল মারাম

7. Aqeedah:

Aqeddah Tahawi – Download
Alternate Sharh 1: Download
Alternate Sharh 2: Download

Year 2:

1. Quran Translation and Tafseer

Complete translation and commentary of the Quran should be covered in 5 years. Divide the Quran in 5 parts accordingly. 1 part will be studied in each year.


2. Hadith

Riyad us Saliheen – Download
(The book should be divided in two parts for inclusion in curriculum. Complete the first part in this year)

3. Aqeedah:

Aqeedah Tahawiyyah
Aqeddah Tahawi – Download
Alternate Sharh 1: Download
Alternate Sharh 2: Download

Or, if teachers prescribe, Aqeedah Wastiyyah of Imam Ibn Taymiyyah can be studied too:  Read Download

4. Fiqh:

Selected chapters. Teachers can also do a comparative study of same chapters from various books on fiqh.
Al-Fiqh ul Muyassar: Download
Al-Hidaya: Part-1, Part-2, Part-3, Part-4
Ashraf ul Hidaya (Sharh Hidaya): Part1, Part2, Part3Part5, Part6Part9 – Some parts are missing
Al-Qudoori (Sharh: Misbah un Noori): Part-1, Part-2; Tafheem ul Qudoori: Read / Download
Ashraf ul Hidaya (Incomplete): part-1, part-2, part-3part-5, part-6, part-9
Mala Buddah Minho – Download
​Noor ul Izah: Read / Download
Sharh e Wiqaya – Kitabut Taharah to Kitabul Hajj – Read / Download

5. Arabic Grammar:

Al-Tamreen Ila Tareeqa til Arabiyyah – Download

6. Sarf:

Select from:
Easho sorf Shikhi – Download
আযীযুল মুবতাদী  (Aziz ul Mubtada – Mizan us Sarf) – Download
Ilm us Sheegha: Download
Ilm us Sarf – Download
Aziz il Mubtadi – Read / Download
Al-Hadi Ila Sarf – Download 
Ilm us Sarf ma’a panj ganj – Download

7. Nahv:
Select from:
​Easho Nahu Shikhi – Download
Hidayat un Nahv: Read / Download
Hidayatun Nahw: Mabhathul Harf Notes – Read / Download
Miatu Aamil – Read / Download
Sharh Kafiyah/ Kafia – Download
Nahv e Meer – Read / Download

8. Seerah:

Ar-Raheeq ul Makhtoom – Download
Khasais al Kubra (Imam Suyuti) –Vol1Vol2

9. History:

​Selected chapters from Bidaya Wan Nihaya:
1st Part, 2nd Part, 3rd Part, 4th Part, 5th Part, 6th Part, 7th Part, 8th Part, 9th Part, 10th Part


Qasas ul Anbia by Imam Ibn Kathir: Read / Download
Banks of Furat Reiver: Touring the history (Mufti Taqi Uthmani – Bangla Translation) – Download
Uhud To Kashiun – Touring World With History (Mufti Taqi Uthmani – Bangla Translation) – Download

Year 3 (Sanviyyah Khasa):

1. Quran Translation and Tafseer

Complete translation and commentary of the Quran should be covered in 5 years. Divide the Quran in 5 parts accordingly. 1 part will be studied in each year.


2. Hadith:

Riyad us Saliheen – Download
(The book should be divided in three parts for inclusion in curriculum. Complete the second part in this year)

3. Usool At Tafseer:

Fazu ul Kabeer by Shah Waliullah – Download
Faiz ul Kaseer Sharh Fauz ul Kabeer – Download

4. Fiqh:

Selected chapters. Teachers can also do a comparative study of same chapters from various books on fiqh.
Al-Fiqh ul Muyassar: Download
Al-Hidaya: Part-1, Part-2, Part-3, Part-4
Ashraf ul Hidaya (Sharh Hidaya): Part1, Part2, Part3Part5, Part6Part9 – Some parts are missing
Al-Qudoori (Sharh: Misbah un Noori): Part-1, Part-2 Tafheem ul Qudoori: Read / Download
Ashraf ul Hidaya (Incomplete): part-1, part-2, part-3part-5, part-6, part-9
Mala Buddah Minho – Download
​Noor ul Izah: Read / Download
5. ​
Usool Al Fiqh:

Usool Al-Shashi – Read / Download
Noor ul Anwar: Read: Part-1Part-2, Download: Part-1Part-2

6. Sarf:

Easho sorf Shikhi – Download
আযীযুল মুবতাদী  (Aziz ul Mubtada – Mizan us Sarf) – Download
Ilm us Sheegha: Download
Ilm us Sarf – Download
Aziz il Mubtadi – Read / Download
Al-Hadi Ila Sarf – Download 
Ilm us Sarf ma’a panj ganj – Download
Safwatul Masadir – Read / Download

Khasiyat il Abwab

7. Nahv:

Select from:
​Easho Nahu Shikhi – Download
Hidayat un Nahv: Read / Download
Hidayatun Nahw: Mabhathul Harf Notes – Read / Download
Miatu Aamil – Read / Download
Sharh Kafiyah/ Kafia – Download
Nahv e Meer – Read / Download
Sharhe Jami​ – Read Download

8. Balaghah:

​​Durusul Balagat: Read / Download

Year 4 (Sanviyyah Khasa):

1. Quran Translation and Tafseer

Complete translation and commentary of the Quran should be covered in 5 years. Divide the Quran in 5 parts accordingly. 1 part will be studied in each year.


2. Hadith:

Riyad us Saliheen – Download
(The book should be divided in three parts for inclusion in curriculum. Complete the third part in this year)

3. Usool Al Hadith:

Nukhbatul Fikr – Read / Download

4. Fiqh:

Selected chapters. Teachers can also do a comparative study of same chapters from various books on fiqh.
Al-Fiqh ul Muyassar: Download
Al-Hidaya: Part-1, Part-2, Part-3, Part-4
Ashraf ul Hidaya (Sharh Hidaya): Part1, Part2, Part3Part5, Part6Part9 – Some parts are missing
Al-Qudoori (Sharh: Misbah un Noori): Part-1, Part-2 Tafheem ul Qudoori: Read / Download
Ashraf ul Hidaya (Incomplete): part-1, part-2, part-3part-5, part-6, part-9
Mala Buddah Minho – Download
​Noor ul Izah: Read / Download
5. ​Usool Al Fiqh:

Usool Al-Shashi – Read / Download

6. Sarf:

Easho sorf Shikhi – Download
আযীযুল মুবতাদী  (Aziz ul Mubtada – Mizan us Sarf) – Download
Ilm us Sheegha: Download
Ilm us Sarf – Download
Aziz il Mubtadi – Read / Download
Al-Hadi Ila Sarf – Download 
Ilm us Sarf ma’a panj ganj – Download

7. Nahv:

Select from:
​Easho Nahu Shikhi – Download
Hidayat un Nahv: Read / Download
Hidayatun Nahw: Mabhathul Harf Notes – Read / Download
Miatu Aamil – Read / Download
Sharh Kafiyah/ Kafia – Download
Nahv e Meer – Read / Download
Sharhe Jami​ – Read Download

8. Adab:

Maqamat al Hariri​ – Download
Nafhat ul Arab – Read / Download
Rodhat ul Adab – Read / Download

9. Mantiq: 

Select from:
​Al-Tarkeeb Sharh Tahzeeb – Download
​​Taiseerul Manteq: Read / Download

10. History:

Hayat us Sahabah: Part1Part2Part3Part4Part5

– Al Tibyaan (Uloomul Quraan)
– At Targheeb Wat Tarheeb
– Khairul Usool (Usool of Hadith)
– Hifdhul Hadith (memorization of Ahadith)

– Shaatbiyyah
– Qira’ah Sab’ah
– Hadr and Tarteel recitation of the Holy Quraan with riwaayah of Imaam Hafs (rahimahullah)
– Daw’ul Ma’ali Sharh Bad’ul Amaali

Year 5:

1. Quran Translation and Tafseer
Complete translation and commentary of the Quran should be covered in 5 years. Divide the Quran in 5 parts accordingly. 1 part will be studied in each year.


2. Hadith:

Anwar ul Mishkat – Sharh Mishkat ul Masabeeh
Part-1, Part-2, Part-3, Part-4, Part-5, Part-6, Part-7

Alternatively, Ma’arif ul Hadith by Maulana Muhammad Shafi can also be covered:

3. Islamic Finance

Fazail e Tijarat Maulana Muhammad Zakariyyah – Download
Islamic Banking and Finance Process (Mufti Taqi Usmani) – Download
Bisho Bazar Dhosher Mul Karon Shud (Reasons for the Destruction of world market – Mufti Muhammad Shafi) – Download

4. Adab And Balaghah (Arabic and Persian):

Easho balagat shikhi – Download
Durusul Balagat – Download
Diwan e Mutanabba – Download
Gulistan e Saadi – Download
Karima – Part1, Part2
Kaloobi – Download
Qassas un Nabieen (Part 2) – Download
Lameaatul Mojijat (with grammatical explanations) –  Download
Maqamat e Hareeri – Download 
Mukhtasir ul Ma’ani – Download

5. Ilm ul Faraidh / Islamic laws of Inheritance:

Kashur Razi – Download
Siraji – Read / Download​

6. Mantiq (Logic)

Select from:
​Al-Tarkeeb Sharh Tahzeeb – Download
​​Taiseerul Manteq: Read / Download

Year 6 (Daura e Hadith):

Introduction to books of hadith and Mohaditheen
Bustan il Mohaditheen – By Shah Abdul Aziz Dahelvi – Download

Al-Lulu Wal Marjan
Bangla: Read / Download

Sahih Bukhari
Nasr ul Bari Part1, Part2, Part4, Part8, Part9

Sahih Muslim
Judul Muneim shorhe Mokaddma e Muslem – Download
Izah ul Muslim – Download

Sunan Nasai
Vol1Vol2, Vol3, Vol4

Sunan Abu Dawood
Download: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4
Alternate Shurooh:
Al Awnul Mahmoud : Download
Al Awnul Wudood: Download

Sunan Tirmidhi
1st Part, 2nd Part, 3rd Part, 4th part, 5th Part 
Jaif / Daif At Tirmidhi – Part1, Part2

Muwatta Imam Malik:
Part1, Part2

Sunan Abu Dawud:
Part 1Part2, Part3, Part4

Musnad Ahmed:
Part1, Part2

Al-Adab ul Mufrad
Read Download

Sunan Ibn Majah
​Read: Vol1Vol2Vol3
Download: ​Vol1, Vol2Vol3

Dars e Nizami واپس

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