English Book Class 1 Federal Board

English Book Class 1 Federal Board

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English Book Class 1 Federal Board

فیڈرل بورڈ اسلام آباد کی کلاس ون انگلش کے مکمل ویڈیوز لیکچرز

Table of Content for Federal Board

Class 1 > English (Total Videos: 173 )

Chapter 1
Ice Breaking/ Greetings/ Alphabets (9 videos)
1.1: Greetings (Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening)
  1. Greetings (Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening)
1.2: Greeting Teachers and Elders
  1. Greeting Teachers and Elders
1.3: Alphabet (A to Z capital and small)
  1. Complete English Alphabet A to Z-Capital
  2. Complete English Alphabet a to z-Small
1.4: Sing the ABC Song (A to Z)
  1. Complete English Alphabet Song
  2. Exercise-Complete English Alphabet A to Z
1.5: Listen and Repeat (Names of Objects)
  1. Listen and Repeat (pictures of objects)
  2. More on Listen and Repeat (pictures of objects)
1.6: Tracing Patterns (trace the lines)
  1. Strokes (Trace the lines)

Chapter 2:
The Alphabet Picture Gallery
(A to Z) (58 videos)
2.1: Small and Capital Letters (A to Z)
  1. Capital and Small A-a
  2. Capital and Small B-b (pictures/names/tracing/practice)
  3. Capital and Small C-c (pictures/names/tracing/practice)
  4. Exercise-Capital and Small Aa-Bb-Cc
  5. Capital and Small D-d (pictures/names/tracing/practice)
  6. Capital and Small E-e (pictures/names/tracing/practice)
  7. Capital and Small F-f (pictures/names/tracing/practice)
  8. Capital and Small-Exercise-Dd-Ee-Ff
  9. Capital and Small G-g (pictures/names/tracing/practice)
  10. Capital and Small H-h (pictures/names/tracing/practice)
  11. Capital and Small I-i (pictures/names/tracing/practice)
  12. Exercise-Capital and Small Gg-Hh-Ii
  13. Capital and Small J-j (pictures/names/tracing/practice)
  14. Capital and Small K-k (pictures/names/tracing/practice)
  15. Capital and Small L-l (pictures/names/tracing/practice)
  16. Exercise-Capital and Small Jj-Kk-Ll
  17. Capital and Small M-m (pictures/names/tracing/practice)
  18. Capital and Small N-n (pictures/names/tracing/practice)
  19. Capital and Small O-o (pictures/names/tracing/practice)
  20. Exercise-Capital and Small Mm-Nn-Oo
  21. Capital and Small P-p (pictures/names/tracing/practice)
  22. Capital and Small Q-q (pictures/names/tracing/practice)
  23. Capital and Small R-r (pictures/names/tracing/practice)
  24. Exercise-Capital and Small Pp-Qq-Rr
  25. Capital and Small S-s (pictures/names/tracing/practice)
  26. Capital and Small T-t (pictures/names/tracing/practice)
  27. Capital and Small U-u (pictures/names/tracing/practice)
  28. Exercise-Capital and Small Ss-Tt-Uu
  29. Capital and Small V-v (pictures/names/tracing/practice)
  30. Capital and Small W-w (pictures/names/tracing/practice)
  31. Capital and Small X-x (pictures/names/tracing/practice)
  32. Exercise-Capital and Small Vv-Ww-Xx
  33. Capital and Small Y-y (pictures/names/tracing/practice)
  34. Capital and Small Z-z (pictures/names/tracing/practice)
  35. Exercise-Capital and Small Yy-Zz
  36. More on Letters of the Alphabet Aa-Ff (pictures/names/practice)
  37. More on Letters of the Alphabet Gg-Ll (pictures/names/practice)
  38. More on Letters of the Alphabet Mm-Ss (pictures/names/practice)
  39. More on Letters of the Alphabet Tt-Zz (pictures/names/practice)
2.2: Sounds of Letters A to Z
  1. Sounds of Letters Aa-Bb-Cc (pictures/names/practice)
  2. Exercise-Sounds of Letters Aa-Bb-Cc
  3. Sounds of Letters Dd-Ee-Ff (pictures/names/practice)
  4. Exercise-Sounds of Letters Dd-Ee-Ff
  5. Sounds of Letters Gg-Hh-Ii (pictures/names/practice)
  6. Exercise-Sounds of Letters Gg-Hh-Ii
  7. Sounds of Letters Jj-Kk-Ll (pictures/names/practice)
  8. Exercise-Sounds of Letters Jj-Kk-Ll
  9. Sounds of Letters Mm-Nn-Oo (pictures/names/practice)
  10. Exercise-Sounds of Letters Mm-Nn-Oo
  11. Sounds of Letters Pp-Qq-Rr (pictures/names/practice)
  12. Exercise-Sounds of Letters Pp-Qq-Rr
  13. Sounds of Letters Ss-Tt-Uu (pictures/names/practice)
  14. Exercise-Sounds of Letters Ss-Tt-Uu
  15. Sounds of Letters Vv-Ww-Xx (pictures/names/practice)
  16. Exercise-Sounds of Letters Vv-Ww-Xx
  17. Sounds of Letters yy-Zz (pictures/names/practice)
  18. Exercise-Sounds of Letters yy-Zz
2.3: Write the Initial Small Letter by Guessing the Sound
  1. Revision Exercise-Letter for Beginning Sound

Chapter 3:
Ethics and Values
(Asking for Permission/ Sharing) (3 videos)
3.1: Listen and Say (Asking for Permission/ Values/ Sharing)
  1. Asking for Permission (May I etc)
  2. Values
  3. Sharing (toys, books and other things)

Chapter 4:
Playing With Words
(beginning and ending sounds/ sound beats) (31 videos)
4.1: Three Letter Rhyming Words (ending with in/at/ut/ot/en/ar)
  1. 3 Letter Rhyming Words (ending with in)
  2. 3 Letter Rhyming Words (ending with at)
  3. 3 Letter Rhyming Words (ending with ut)
  4. 3 Letter Rhyming Words (ending with ot)
  5. 3 Letter Rhyming Words (ending with en)
  6. 3 Letter Rhyming Words (ending with ar)
4.2: One Syllable Words (words with one sound beat)
  1. One Syllable Words (corn, nest etc)
  2. Two Syllable Words-but/ter, san/dal etc
  3. Two Syllable Words-can/dle, ti/ger etc
4.3: Two Syllable Words (words with two sound beats)
  1. Ch and ph sounds with Pictures
  2. ph and th sounds with Pictures
4.4: Diagraphs/Common Blends ( words with ch/sh/ph/th sounds)
  1. Exercise-ch, sh, th and ph words
4.5: Diagraphs/Common Blends (exercise-words starting with ch/sh/ph/th sounds)
  1. Initial Blends (words starting with cr, dr, gr)
  2. Initial Blends (words starting with fr, tr, pl, fl)
  3. Initial Blends-mixed (words starting with cr,dr,gr,fr,tr,pl,fl)
4.6: Initial Blends (words starting with cr, dr, gr, fr, tr, pl, fl)
  1. Final Blends-og, ag
  2. Final Blends-mixed og, ag, ow
4.7: Final Blends (words ending with og, ag, ow)
  1. The Use of A and An
  2. Exercise-The Use of A and An
  3. More on Exercise-The Use of A and An
4.8: Use of a and an with words starting with vowels/consonants
  1. Exercise-Vowel Sounds Mixed
  2. More on Exercise-Vowel Sounds Mixed
4.9: Vowel Sounds (sounds of letters a, e, i, o and u-exercise)
  1. One two buckle my shoe-Rhyme
4.10: One, Two, Buckle my Shoe-Rhyme
  1. Numbers One to Five in Words with Pictures
  2. Exercise-Numbers One to Ten (count and spell)
4.11: Numbers-Match (one to five)
  1. Plurals (more than one things) ending with ss sound
  2. More on Plurals (more than one things) ending with ss sound
4.12: Plurals (more than one things) Ending with ‘ss’ Sound
  1. Plurals (more than one things) ending with zz sound
  2. More on Plurals (more than one things) ending with zz sound
4.13: Plurals (more than one things) Ending with ‘zz’ Sound
  1. Plurals (more than one things) ending with zz sound
  2. More on Plurals (more than one things) ending with zz sound


Chapter 5:
Knowing Myself/ My Family (8 videos)
5.1: I’m a Little Fishy-Rhyme
  1. I am a Little Fishy-Rhyme
5.2: I Introduce Myself (I am a girl. etc.)
  1. I am a girl (picture/sentence)
  2. Exercise-I am a girl
  3. I am a boy (picture/sentence)
  4. Exercise-I am a boy
5.3: My Family/Masculine/Faminine (girl/boy, father/mother etc.)
  1. Family Members (I am father, I am Sami etc)
  2. Masculine/Feminine (girl/boy, father/mother etc)
  3. Exercise-Masculine/Feminine

Chapter 6:
Animals/Birds/Insects (types)
(10 videos)
6.1: Old McDonald Had a Farm-Rhyme
  1. Old McDonald Had a Farm-Rhyme
6.2: Animals (different types)
  1. Zoo Animals (pictures with names)
  2. More on Zoo Animals (pictures with names)
6.3: Birds (different types)
  1. Birds (pictures with names)
6.4: Animals Male Female
  1. Animals Male Female (pictures with names)
6.5: Animal Babies
  1. Animal Babies (pictures with names)
6.6: Animals Alike and Different (Animals/Birds/Insects)
  1. Animals Alike and Different
6.7: Ant Likes her Sugar-Rhyme
  1. Ant Likes her Sugar-Rhyme
6.8: A Big Bully (story of an ant and an elephant)
  1. A Big Bully-A Short Story (reading/explanation)
6.9: Food that Animals Eat/Drink
  1. What Animals Eat (pictures with names)

Chapter 7:
Things We Do (Actions)/Pronouns/Verb to Be (12 videos)
7.1: Things We Do (sit, stand, sleep, eat walk, drink etc.)
  1. Things We Do (I do- sentences)
  2. Things We Do (You do-sentences)
  3. Things We Do (We/They do-sentences)
7.2: Go to bed-Rhyme
  1. Go to bed-Rhyme
7.3: Things we Do-Exercise (sit, stand, sleep, eat walk, drink etc.)
  1. Exercise-Things (We do-sentences)
  2. Pronouns (I, am, you, are, he, she, it, is-sentences)
7.4: Pronouns (I, am, you, are, he, she, it, is)
  1. Use of Am Is Are in Sentences
  2. Exercise-Use of Am Is Are
  3. More on Exercise-Use of Am Is Are
7.5: Verb To Be Form (am, is, are)
  1. Use of Am Is Are in Sentences
  2. Exercise-Use of Am Is Are
  3. More on Exercise-Use of Am Is Are

Chapter 8:
Fruits/Vegetables/Shapes/Body Parts/Moods/Opposites
(15 videos)
8.1: Fruits and Vegetables (different types)
  1. Fruits
  2. Vegetables (pictures with names)
8.2: Naming shapes (circle, square, triangle etc.)
  1. Shapes (pictures with names)
  2. Exercise-Shapes
8.3: Two Little Eyes-Rhyme
  1. Two Little Eyes-Rhyme-Rhyme
  2. More on Two Little Eyes-Rhyme
  3. Exercise-Two Little Eyes-Rhyme
8.4: Parts of the Body (eyes, ears, nose, arm, hand etc.)
  1. Body Parts (names with pictures)
8.5: We Speak, We Read, We Write (how we use phone, book e
  1. We Speak, We Read, We Write (how we use phone, book etc)
  2. More on We Speak, We Read, etc
  3. Exercise-We Speak, We Read,etc
8.6: Kinds of Faces : Different Moods (happy, sad etc.)
  1. Moods (happy, sad etc)
8.7: Describing Words: Opposites (Small/big, tall/short etc.)
  1. Describing Words-Opposites
  2. Exercise-Describing Words-Opposites (tall/short, big/small etc)
8.8: Asim Wants a Cap (Story)
  1. Asim Wants a Cap (Story/Opposites: tall/short, big/small etc)

Chapter 9:
Sentences (this/that, these/those, relations, telling/asking) (14 videos)
9.1: This and That (sentences)
9.2: Usage Sentences (my book, her bag etc.)
9.3: These and Those (sentences)
9.4: Who is this? Relations (mother, father etc.)
9.5: Telling and Asking Sentences (She is a girl./What are these?


Chapter 10:
Cleanliness (how to stay clean)
(2 videos)
10.1: Picture Gallery-This the way we go to school-Rhyme
  1. Cleanliness-Rhyme
10.2: Things We Use (towels, toothbrush, comb etc.)
  1. Things we Should Use to Stay Clean (toothbrush etc)

Chapter 11:
Means of Transport/Traffic Lights/Signs
(4 videos)
11.1: How do we Travel-Rhyme
  1. How do we Travel Down by the Station
11.2: Traffic Lights -Rhyme
  1. Traffic Lights (Rhyme)
11.3: Traffic Signs
  1. Sign Boards (Zebra Crossing/U-turn etc)
11.4: Means of Transport (car, bus, motorbike etc.)
  1. Modes of Transportation (car, bus, motorbike etc)

Chapter 12:
Pakistan/Calendar/Ordinal Numbers/Greeting Cards (7 videos)
12.1: I Love Pakistan (passage with pictures)
  1. My Country (passage/picture-reading/explanation)
12.2: Calendar (months and important dates)
  1. Calendar
12.3: Ordinal Numbers (1st, 2nd, 3rd)
  1. Ordinal numbers (1st, 2nd, 3rd positions)
12.4: Festivals and Greeting Cards (Eid ul Fitr/Azha/Christmas etc.)
  1. Festivals (Eid ul Fitr/Azha/Christmas etc)
  2. Greeting Cards (how to make)
12.5: Helping Each Other-The Little Red Hen (story)
  1. The Little Red Hen-Story
  2. More on The Little Red Hen-Story

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