English Book Class 2 Federal Board

English Book Class 2 Federal Board

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Table of Contents

English Book Class 2 Federal Board

فیڈرل بورڈ اسلام آباد  کلاس 2 کی انگلش

Table of Content for: Federal Board

Class 2 > English

(Total Videos: 103 )

Chapter 2:
Myself (4 videos)
2.1: Myself-Monologue(reading /explanation/activities)
  1. Myself-Monologue(reading /explanation/activities)
2.2: Masculine/ Feminine (man/woman etc)(explanation/activities)
  1. Masculine/ Feminine (man/woman etc)(explanation/activities)
2.3: I like-Dialogue(reading /explanation/activities)
  1. I like-Dialogue(reading /explanation/activities)
2.4: I Dislike-Dialogue (reading /explanation/activities)
  1. I Dislike-Dialogue (reading /explanation/activities)

Chapter 3:
Ethics (15 videos)
3.1: Greetings (Good morning,how are you)
  1. Greetings (Hello! Good morning/Good bye)
3.2: Taking Permission (May I come in.. etc)
  1. Permission and Command (May I/Do this/Do that)
  2. Agreeing and Disagreeing (Yes you may/No you may not)
  3. Dialogue: May I come in, sir?
3.3: Expressing Feelings-Dialogue (reading /explanation/activities)
  1. Expressing Feelings-Dialogue (reading /explanation/activities)
3.4: Friends/Sharing-Good Habits (look at picture&tell)
  1. Friends/Sharing-Good Habits (look at picture&tell)
3.5: Cognates-objects with same name in English&Urdu (pictures/names)
  1. Names of Objects Around Us-Vocabulary (pictures/names)
3.6: Vowel and Consonant Sounds (Reading/Explanation/activities)
  1. The Use of A and An
  2. Exercise-The Use of A and An
  3. More on Exercise-The Use of A and An
3.7: Capital Letter and Full Stop/Question Mark (Explanation/ Exercises)
  1. Telling and Asking Sentences (She is a girl/What are these?)
  2. Exercise-Telling and Asking Sentences
3.8: Types of Weather (pictures/explanation/activities)
  1. Types of Weather (pictures/explanation/activities)
  2. More on Types of Weather
3.9: Road Signs(Explanation with the help of pictures)
  1. Sign Boards (Zebra Crossing/U-turn etc)

Chapter 4:
Places (7 videos)
4.1: A Village-Passage (reading /explanation/activities)
  1. A Village-Passage (reading /explanation/activities)
4.2: Arrange Words in Alphabetical Order (Explanation/Exercise)
  1. Arrange Words in Alphabetical Order (by 2nd letter/activities)
4.3: Zoo (Reading/activities)
  1. Zoo Animals (pictures with names)
  2. More on Zoo Animals (pictures with names)
4.4: ph sound (photo, dolphin etc) (Reading)
  1. ph and th sounds with Pictures
4.5: Words Ending with ight/igh (read/write)
  1. Words Ending with ight/igh (read/write)
4.6: Use of comma ( Explanation/ activities)
  1. Use of Comma (read/write)

Chapter 5:
Nature (7 videos)
5.1: Colours-Rhyme (reading /explanation/rhyming words)
  1. Colours-Rhyme (reading /explanation/rhyming words)
5.2: Describing Words/Opposites (define/explanation/activties)
  1. Describing Words(define/explanation/activties)
5.3: Seasons- Summer, autumn, winter, spring (reading/explanation/activities)
  1. Seasons-Summer,autumn,winter,spring(reading/explanation/activities)
5.4: Unscramble Words (guess and correct the sequence of letters)
  1. Unscramble Words (guess and correct the sequence of letters)
5.5: Vegetables-Vocabulary (pictures/names/activities)
  1. Vegetables-Vocabulary (pictures/names/activities)
5.6: Arrange Words in Alphabetical Order (Writing activitiy)
  1. Arrange Words in Alphabetical Order (Writing activitiy)
5.7: Words Showing Position: Prepositions (Reading/explanation/activities)
  1. Prepositions-Up,Down,Here,There (complete sentences)

Chapter 6:
Honesty (7 videos)
6.1: Honesty-Dialogue(reading /explanation/activities)
  1. Honesty-Dialogue(reading /explanation/activities)
6.2: Coagnates ( things having same name in Urdu and English eg. heater, tissue)
  1. Coagnates ( things having same name in Urdu and English eg. heater, t
6.3: Use of helping verbs-am, is are (explanation/exercise)
  1. Match Pronouns with is, am, are (explanation/match columns)
6.4: ch and sh words (chick,shell etc) (Read and pronounce)
  1. Ch and ph sounds with Pictures
  2. Ending ch sh th Sounds with Pictures
6.5: th sound (thumb,three) (Read and pronounce)
  1. Words with Soft ‘Th’ Sound (read/write)
6.6: Question Words: What, When etc.(Writing activities)
  1. Question Words: What, When etc.(Writing activities)

Chapter 7:
Respect for Elders (4 videos)
7.1: Respect for Elders (reading/explanation/activities)
  1. Respect for Elders (reading/explanation/activities)
7.2: Possessive Pronouns (my, his, her, etc.) (explanation/activties)
  1. Possessive Pronouns (his, her etc)(guess/write)
7.3: Listen Read and Act ( dialogue)
  1. Listen Read and Act-Dialogue(reading /explanation/activities)
7.4: Common and Proper Nouns (explanation/activities)
  1. Common and Proper Nouns (Define/explanation/activities)

Chapter 8:
Numbers (Poem) (11 videos)
8.1: Numbers-Poem (reading /explanation/activities)
  1. Numbers-Poem (reading /explanation/activities)
8.2: The Clock-Picture Description(How to read a clock/activities)
  1. The Clock-Picture Description(How to read a clock)
8.3: Telling the Time-Passage (read/write)
  1. Telling the Time-Passage (read/write)
8.4: Ordinal Numbers 1st to 10th (order/explanation/activities)
  1. Ordinal Numbers 1st to 10th (order/explanation/activities)
8.5: Number in words (explanation/activties)
  1. Number in words (explanation/activties)
8.6: “Singular/Plural: ending “”ss””/ “”zz”” sound (explanation/activities)”
  1. Plurals (more than one things) ending with ss sound
  2. More on Plurals (more than one things) ending with ss sound
  3. Plurals (more than one things) ending with zz sound
  4. More on Plurals (more than one things) ending with zz sound
8.7: “Singular/Plural: ending “”es”” sound (explanation/activities)”
  1. “Singular/Plural: ending “”es”” sound (explanation/activities)”
8.8: Use of ‘a’ and ‘an’ (indefinite articles) (explanation/activities)
  1. Use of ‘a’ and ‘an’ (indefinite articles) (explanation/activities)

 Chapter 9:
Pakistan (2 videos)
9.1: Pakistan (reading/explanation/exercise)
  1. Pakistan (reading/explanation/exercise)
9.2: Pronouns (Definition/reading/explanation/exercise)
  1. Write Correct Pronoun (guess/write)

Chapter 10:
Making Queues (9 videos)
10.1: Making Queues (Reading/explanation/exercises)
  1. Making Queues (Reading/explanation/exercises)
  2. More on Making Queues
10.2: Action Words (Definition/explanation/activities)
  1. Action Words 1- walk,jump, etc
  2. Action Words 2- eat, drink, etc
10.3: When you are happy (Song) (Reading and sing with actions)
  1. When you are happy (Song) (Reading and sing with actions)
10.4: Use of helping verbs- Has and Have (explanation/activities)
  1. Use of Has and have (explanation/fill columns)
  2. Use of Has and have (explanation/fill blanks)
10.5: Describing Pictures (Use of action and describing words)
  1. Describing Pictures (Use of action and describing words)
  2. More on Describing Pictures
10.6: Use of Excalamation Mark (reading/explanation/exercise)
  1. (No vidoes available yet. Still under development.)

Chapter 11:
Playing Games (9 videos)
11.1: Playing Games (Reading/explantion/activities)
  1. Playing Games (Reading/explantion/activities)
  2. More on Playing Games
11.2: Recognizing Games (look at equipment and tell name/writing)
  1. Recognizing Games (look at equipment and tell name/writing)
11.3: Weather Signs (Explanation with the help of pictures/ Writing)
  1. Types of Weather (pictures/explanation/activities)
  2. More on Types of Weather
11.4: Road Signs(Explanation with the help of pictures/Writing)
  1. Sign Boards (Zebra Crossing/U-turn etc)
11.5: Punctuate the sentences correctly (Writing activities)
  1. Punctuate the Sentences Correctly (Writing activities)
  2. More on Punctuate the Sentences Correctly
11.6: Parts of the Body (Eyes, ears etc) (Read the names of body parts)
  1. Body Parts (names with pictures)

Chapter 12:
Good Habits (14 videos)
12.1: Good Habits (Reading/explanation/exercises)
  1. Good Habits (Reading/explanation/exercises)
  2. More on Good Habits
  3. Exercise Good Habits (fill in the blanks)
12.2: Making a Greeting Card (making greeting cards-thankyou,sorry etc)
  1. Greeting Cards (how to make)
12.3: Use of This, That, These and Those (reading/explantion/activtiies)
  1. This (sentences)
  2. More on This (sentences)
  3. That (sentences)
  4. More on That (sentences)
  5. Use An with This
  6. Use of an with That (sentences)
  7. These (sentences)
  8. More on These
  9. Those (sentences)
  10. More on Those (sentences)

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