Chapter 1:
English Alphabet (21 videos)
1.1: Complete English Alphabet Aa-Zz
- Complete English Alphabet A to Z-Capital
- Complete English Alphabet a to z-Small
- Complete English Alphabet Song
- Exercise-Complete English Alphabet A to Z
1.2: Vocabulary (words/meanings/sentences)
- Vocabulary (words/meanings/sentences) Part 1
- Vocabulary (words/meanings/sentences) Part 2
- Vocabulary (words/meanings/sentences) Part 3
- Vocabulary (words/meanings/sentences) Part 4
- Vocabulary (words/meanings/sentences) Part 5
- Vocabulary (words/meanings/sentences) Part 6
- Vocabulary (words/meanings/sentences) Part 7
1.3: Arrange Words in Alphabetical Order (how to order/activities)
- Arrange Words in Alphabetical Order (by 1st letter/activities)
- Arrange Words in Alphabetical Order (by 2nd letter/activities)
- Arrange Words in Alphabetical Order (Writing activitiy)
1.4: Cognates-objects with same name in English&Urdu (pictures/names)
1.5: Anagrams
1.6: Use of thesaurus (Synonyms)
- Words/Synonyms Part 1
- Words/Synonyms Part 2
- Words/Synonyms Part 3
- Words/Synonyms Part 4
- Words/Synonyms Part 5
Chapter 2:
Pronunciation and Spelling (124 videos)
2.1: Vowels (a-e-i-o-u/sounds)
- Vowels Introduction (letters a,e,i,o,u)
- Exercise Vowels Introduction
- Short and Long Vowel Sounds
- Exercise-Short and Long Vowel Sounds
- Exercise-Short and Long Vowels Combined
- Exercise-Vowel Sounds Mixed
- More on Exercise-Vowel Sounds Mixed
2.2: Diagraphs/Common Blends ( words with ch/sh/ph/th sounds)
2.3: Diagraphs/Common Blends ( words ending with ch/sh/ph/th sounds)
2.4: Diagraphs (Sh-Ch-Th-Cr-Fr-Sp etc Sounds)(explanation/activities)
- Two Letter Blends with Letter-a (a+t = at etc)
- Two Letter Blends with Letter-e (e+n = en etc)
- Two Letter Blends with Letter-i (i+g = ig etc)
- Two Letter Blends with Letter-o (o+t = ot etc)
- Two Letter Blends with Letter-u (u+n = un etc)
2.5: Two Letter Blends-at,ig,ut,en,ed,ub,um,un,op,ot etc
- Two Letter Blends with Letter-a (a+t = at etc)
- Three Letter Blends-cat, bat, etc
- Two Letter Blends with Letter-e (e+n = en etc)
- Three Letter Blends-big, fin, etc
- Two Letter Blends with Letter-i (i+g = ig etc)
- Three Letter Blends-dog, hog, etc
- Two Letter Blends with Letter-o (o+t = ot etc)
- Three Letter Blends-bug, hug, etc
- Two Letter Blends with Letter-u (u+n = un etc)
2.6: Letter Blends with Sounds (three letter words:cat,big,hog,hug etc)
- Three Letter Blends-cat, bat, etc
- Initial Blends (words starting with cr, dr, gr)
- Three Letter Blends-big, fin, etc
- Initial Blends (words starting with fr, tr, pl, fl)
- Three Letter Blends-dog, hog, etc
- Initial Blends-mixed (words starting with cr,dr,gr,fr,tr,pl,fl)
- Three Letter Blends-bug, hug, etc
2.7: Initial Blends (two starting letters make one sound-cr/dr etc)
- Final Blends-og, ag
- Initial Blends (words starting with cr, dr, gr)
- Final Blends-mixed og, ag, ow
- Initial Blends (words starting with fr, tr, pl, fl)
- Initial Blends-mixed (words starting with cr,dr,gr,fr,tr,pl,fl)
2.8: Final Blends (two ending letters make one sound-og/ag/ow)
2.9: Initial ‘Cl’ Sound in Words (read/fill blanks)
2.10: Words Ending with ight/igh (read/write)
- Words Ending with ight/igh (read/write)
- Letter Blends (vowel-consonant-vowel)-rate etc
- More on Letter Blends (vowel-consonant-vowel)-cage etc
- More on Letter Blends (vowel-consonant-vowel)-mute etc
- Letter Blends (vowel-vowel-consonant)-rain etc
- More on Letter Blends (vowel-vowel-consonant)-keen etc
- Letter Blends (consonant-vowel-vowel)-bees etc
- More on Letter Blends (consonant-vowel-vowel)-seat etc
2.11: Letter Blends with Sounds (four letter words)
- Letter Blends (vowel-consonant-vowel)-rate etc
- 3 Letter Rhyming Words (ending with in)
- More on Letter Blends (vowel-consonant-vowel)-cage etc
- 3 Letter Rhyming Words (ending with at)
- More on Letter Blends (vowel-consonant-vowel)-mute etc
- 3 Letter Rhyming Words (ending with ut)
- Letter Blends (vowel-vowel-consonant)-rain etc
- 3 Letter Rhyming Words (ending with ot)
- More on Letter Blends (vowel-vowel-consonant)-keen etc
- 3 Letter Rhyming Words (ending with en)
- Letter Blends (consonant-vowel-vowel)-bees etc
- 3 Letter Rhyming Words (ending with ar)
- More on Letter Blends (consonant-vowel-vowel)-seat etc
2.12: Three Letter Rhyming Words (ending with in/at/ut/ot/en/ar)
- 4 Letter Rhyming Words (ending with ake)
- 3 Letter Rhyming Words (ending with in)
- 3 Letter Rhyming Words (ending with at)
- Exercise-4 Letter Rhyming Words (ending with ake)
- 3 Letter Rhyming Words (ending with ut)
- 4 Letter Rhyming Words (ending with ock)
- 3 Letter Rhyming Words (ending with ot)
- Exercise-4 Letter Rhyming Words (ending with ock)
- 3 Letter Rhyming Words (ending with en)
- 4 Letter Rhyming Words (ending with ook)
- 3 Letter Rhyming Words (ending with ar)
- Exercise-4 Letter Rhyming Words (ending with ook)
- 4 Letter Rhyming Words (ending with ing)
- Exercise-4 Letter Rhyming Words (ending with ing)
2.13: Four Letter Rhyming Words (Ending with ake/ock/ook/ing)
- Unscramble Words (rearrange words to make correct spelling)
- 4 Letter Rhyming Words (ending with ake)
- Exercise-4 Letter Rhyming Words (ending with ake)
- 4 Letter Rhyming Words (ending with ock)
- Exercise-4 Letter Rhyming Words (ending with ock)
- 4 Letter Rhyming Words (ending with ook)
- Exercise-4 Letter Rhyming Words (ending with ook)
- 4 Letter Rhyming Words (ending with ing)
- Exercise-4 Letter Rhyming Words (ending with ing)
2.14: Unscramble Words (rearrange words to make correct spelling)
2.15: Minimal Pairs
- Pronunciation: Silent letters in Words (with focus on silent and roll
- Minimal Pairs Part 1
- Pronunciation: Silent letters in Words (with focus on”lk”, “wr”, “kn”)
2.16: Pronunciation: Silent Letters in Words
- Pronunciation: Silent letters in Words (with focus on silent and roll
- Doubling Consonants
- Pronunciation: Silent letters in Words (with focus on”lk”, “wr”, “kn”)
2.17: Double Consonants
2.18: Spelling Tripple Consonants (consonant Clusters)
- One Syllable Words (corn, nest etc)
- Spelling Tripple Consonant (recognizing letter patterns for spelling)
2.19: One Syllable Words (words with one sound beat-corn, nest etc)
- One Syllable Words (corn, nest etc)
- Two Syllable Words-but/ter, san/dal etc
- Two Syllable Words-can/dle, ti/ger etc
2.20: Two Syllable Words (words with two sound beats-but/ter etc)
- Two Syllable Words-but/ter, san/dal etc
- Affect of letter “e” on Sounds of other Letters in a Word Part 1
- Two Syllable Words-can/dle, ti/ger etc
- Affect of letter “e” on Sounds of other Letters in a Word Part 2
- The sound “ul” at the End of Words Spelled “le”
- Words that Break the Rule of “se” Pronounced as “z” and End in “ze”
2.21: Affect of Letters on Sounds of other Letters
- Analogy Part 1
- Affect of letter “e” on Sounds of other Letters in a Word Part 1
- Analogy Part 2
- Affect of letter “e” on Sounds of other Letters in a Word Part 2
- Analogy Part 3
- The sound “ul” at the End of Words Spelled “le”
- Analogy Part 4
- Words that Break the Rule of “se” Pronounced as “z” and End in “ze”
- Analogy Part 5
2.22: Analogy
2.23: Different Sounds of ‘ed’
2.24: Stress and Intonation
Chapter 3:
Reading Comprehension Skills (Prose/Poetry) and Passages
(10 videos)
3.1: Reading Comprehension Skills (Prose)
- Reading and Comprehension Skills Part 1
- Reading and Comprehension Skills Part 2
- Reading and Comprehension Skills Part 3
3.2: Reading Comprehension Skills (Prose)
3.3: Names of Provinces and Cities(reading /explanation/writing)
3.4: Good Manners-Sentences(reading /explanation/activities)
3.5: Good Manners-Tick/Fill Speech Bubbles(explanation/writing)
3.6: Complete Sentences-Good Manners (explanation/writing)
Chapter 4:
Grammar (231 videos) (Practice Test)
4.1: Parts of Speech (Introduction) (Practice Test)
- Parts of Speech (introduction)
- Nouns (explanation with examples)
- Pronouns (explanation with examples)
- Adjectives (explanation with examples)
- Verbs (explanation with examples)
- Adverbs (explanation with examples)
- Conjunctions (explanation with examples)
- Prepositions (explanation with examples)
- Interjections (explanation with examples)
4.2: Use of Capital Letters for Proper Names
4.3: Pronouns (he, she ,it, they)
- The Pronouns-1 (he, she, it and they-picture/passage)
- The Pronouns-2 (he, she, it and they-picture/passage)
- Pronouns (his/her-fill in blanks)
- Pronouns (I, am, you, are, he, she, it, is-sentences)
4.4: Common and Proper Nouns (explanation/activities) (Practice Test)
- Common and Proper Nouns (Define/explanation/activities)
- Use Pronouns to Change Sentences (explanation/fill blanks)
- Match Pronouns with is, am, are (explanation/match columns)
- Use Pronouns to Complete Sentences (guess/fill blanks)
- Write Correct Pronoun (guess/write)
- Nouns (explanation with examples)
- Adjectives (explanation with examples)
- Verbs (explanation with examples)
- Pronouns (explanation with examples)
4.5: Regular an Irregular Nouns (plural form) (Practice Test)
4.6: Kinds of Adjectives (Practice Test)
4.7: Action Words (jump, walk, eat, run etc)
- Action Words 1- walk,jump, etc
- Action Words 2- eat, drink, etc
- Exercise-Action words
- Actions Words (verbs-write, read, paint etc)
- Look and Say: Actions (cooking, praying etc)
- Action Words (Verb-eating, reading etc/sentences)
4.8: Fill Blanks with Action Words (explanation/writing)
4.9: Verb To Be (is, am, are etc)(explanation/activities)
4.10: Use of Can & Cannot (exlpanation/complete sentences) (Practice Test)
- Use of Can & Cannot (exlpanation/complete sentences)
- Forms of Verbs for Regular Verbs (explanation with examples)
- More on Use of Can & Cannot
- Forms of Verbs for Irregular Verbs (explanation with examples)
4.11: Regular and Irregular Verbs (Practice Test)
- Use of Has and have (explanation/fill columns)
- Forms of Verbs for Regular Verbs (explanation with examples)
- Use of Has and have (explanation/fill blanks)
- Forms of Verbs for Irregular Verbs (explanation with examples)
4.12: Use of Has and Have (explanation/activities)
- Prepositions: Where is it? (in, on, under)
- Use of Has and have (explanation/fill columns)
- Use of Has and have (explanation/fill blanks)
4.13: Prepositions-Where is it? (in, on, under)
- Prepositions: Where is it? (in, on, under)
- Singular and Plural (one and more than one things)
- Exercise-Singular and Plural (one and more than one things)
- Plurals (more than one things) ending with ss sound
- More on Plurals (more than one things) ending with ss sound
- Plurals (more than one things) ending with zz sound
- More on Plurals (more than one things) ending with zz sound
- “Singular/Plural: ending “”es”” sound (explanation/activities)”
4.14: Singular and Plural (Book-Books, Tree-Trees etc)
- Question Words: What, When etc.(Writing activities)
- Singular and Plural (one and more than one things)
- Exercise-Singular and Plural (one and more than one things)
- Use of Question Words
- Plurals (more than one things) ending with ss sound
- More on Plurals (more than one things) ending with ss sound
- Plurals (more than one things) ending with zz sound
- More on Plurals (more than one things) ending with zz sound
- “Singular/Plural: ending “”es”” sound (explanation/activities)”
4.15: Question Words (who, what, when etc)(explanation/activities)
- Use of Am Is Are in Sentences
- Question Words: What, When etc.(Writing activities)
- Exercise-Use of Am Is Are
- Use of Question Words
- More on Exercise-Use of Am Is Are
- Use of B Form-Is Am Are (pictures/sentences)
- Greeting Cards (how to make)
4.16: Helping Verbs-Use of Am Is Are in Sentences
- Use of Am Is Are in Sentences
- “Singular/Plural: ending “”es”” sound (explanation/activities)”
- Exercise-Use of Am Is Are
- More on Exercise-Use of Am Is Are
- Use of B Form-Is Am Are (pictures/sentences)
- Greeting Cards (how to make)
4.17: Singular/Plural: ending “es” sound (explanation/activities)
- Indefinite Articles (a, an)(writing sentences)
- “Singular/Plural: ending “”es”” sound (explanation/activities)”
- Use of ‘a’ and ‘an’ (indefinite articles) (explanation/activities)
4.18: Indefinite Articles (a, an)(explanation/activities) (Practice Test)
- Indefinite Articles (a, an)(writing sentences)
- Definite and Indefinite Articles (explanation with examples)
- Use of ‘a’ and ‘an’ (indefinite articles) (explanation/activities)
- Exercise-Articles
- Articles (explanation/identify/insert articles)
4.19: Articles (Practice Test)
- Definite and Indefinite Articles (explanation with examples)
- Subject-Verb Agreement Part 1 (explanation with examples)
- Exercise-Articles
- Subject-Verb Agreement Part 2 (explanation with examples)
- Articles (explanation/identify/insert articles)
- Subject-Verb Agreement Part 3 (explanation with examples)
- Subject-Verb Agreement Part 4 (explanation with examples)
4.20: Subject-Verb Agreement (Practice Test)
- I am a girl (picture/sentence)
- Subject-Verb Agreement Part 1 (explanation with examples)
- Exercise-I am a girl
- Subject-Verb Agreement Part 2 (explanation with examples)
- Subject-Verb Agreement Part 3 (explanation with examples)
- I am a boy (picture/sentence)
- Exercise-I am a boy
- Subject-Verb Agreement Part 4 (explanation with examples)
- I drink juice (picture/sentence)
- Exercise-I drink juice
- I play cricket (picture/sentence)
- Exercise-I play cricket
- I eat rice (picture/sentence)
- Exercise-I eat rice
- This is a pen (picture/sentence)
- Exercise-This is a pen
- This is a book (picture/sentence)
- Exercise-This is a book
- This is a bag (picture/sentence)
- Exercise-This is a bag
- This is a table (picture/sentence)
- Exercise-This is a table
4.21: Use of My and Your (writing sentences)
- Telling and Asking Sentences (She is a girl/What are these?)
- Exercise-Telling and Asking Sentences
- Request (Please sit down etc)
- Dialogue: May I come in, sir?
4.22: Point to Yourself/Things and Read (sentences)
- Commands and Instructions (do this, do that etc)
- I am a girl (picture/sentence)
- Exercise-I am a girl
- I am a boy (picture/sentence)
- Exercise-I am a boy
- I drink juice (picture/sentence)
- Exercise-I drink juice
- I play cricket (picture/sentence)
- Exercise-I play cricket
- I eat rice (picture/sentence)
- Exercise-I eat rice
- This is a pen (picture/sentence)
- Exercise-This is a pen
- This is a book (picture/sentence)
- Exercise-This is a book
- This is a bag (picture/sentence)
- Exercise-This is a bag
- This is a table (picture/sentence)
- Exercise-This is a table
4.23: Telling and Asking Sentences (She is a girl/What are these?)
- Telling and Asking Sentences (She is a girl/What are these?)
- Question about Book
- Question about Table
- Exercise-Telling and Asking Sentences
- Question about Pen
- Request (Please sit down etc)
- Dialogue: May I come in, sir?
- Question about Bag
4.24: Commands and Instructions (do this, do that etc)
- Commands and Instructions (do this, do that etc)
- Questions with Where-1
- Questions starting with Where-2
4.25: Questions about book, table, pen and bag
- Question about Book
- Identify a Sentence (explanation/activities)
- Question about Table
- Question about Pen
- Question about Bag
4.26: Questions with Where (Where is the moon? etc)
- Questions with Where-1
- Rearrange Words to make a Sentence(explanation/activities)
- Questions starting with Where-2
- More on Rearrange Words to make a Sentence
4.27: Identify a Sentence (explanation/activities) (Practice Test)
- Identify a Sentence (explanation/activities)
- Joining Sentences by inserting “or, and, but”
- Joining Sentences by inserting “so or because”
4.28: Rearrange Words to make a Sentence(explanation/activities)
- Rearrange Words to make a Sentence(explanation/activities)
- This (sentences)
- More on Rearrange Words to make a Sentence
- More on This (sentences)
- That (sentences)
- More on That (sentences)
- Use An with This
- Use of an with That (sentences)
4.29: Conjunctions (Practice Test)
- These (sentences)
- Joining Sentences by inserting “or, and, but”
- More on These
- Joining Sentences by inserting “so or because”
- Those (sentences)
- More on Those (sentences)
4.30: Use of This and That (Sentences)
- Q&A about This and That (reading/explanation/writing)
- This (sentences)
- More on This (sentences)
- That (sentences)
- More on That (sentences)
- Use An with This
- Use of an with That (sentences)
4.31: Use of These and Those (Sentences)
- Q&A about These and Those (reading/explanation/writing)
- These (sentences)
- Q&A about These and Those (reading/explanation/writing)
- More on These
- Those (sentences)
- More on Those (sentences)
4.32: Q&A about This and That (reading/explanation/writing) (Practice Test)
- Q&A about This and That (reading/explanation/writing)
- Sentence and Order of its Parts
- Sentence Analysis (subject, verb, object etc. all combined)
- Simple Sentences (explanation with examples)
4.33: Q&A about These and Those (reading/explanation/writing) (Practice Test)
- Q&A about These and Those (reading/explanation/writing)
- Present Simple Tense(Uses&Formation)
- Q&A about These and Those (reading/explanation/writing)
- Present Simple Tense(Table) (explanation with examples)
4.34: Types of Sentences (Practice Test)
- Sentence and Order of its Parts
- Present Simple Tense(Uses&Formation)
- Present Simple Tense(Table) (explanation with examples)
- Sentence Analysis (subject, verb, object etc. all combined)
- Past Simple Tense(Uses&Formation)
- Simple Sentences (explanation with examples)
- Past Simple Tense (Table)(explanation with examples)
- Future Simple Tense (Uses&Formation)(explanation with examples)
- Future Simple Tense (Table) (explanation with examples)
- Present Continuous Tense (Uses&Formation)
- Present Continuous Tense (Table) (explanation with examples)
4.35: Present Tense (Practice Test)
- Punctuate the Sentences Correctly (Writing activities)
- Present Simple Tense(Uses&Formation)
- More on Punctuate the Sentences Correctly
- Present Simple Tense(Table) (explanation with examples)
- Use of Comma (read/write)
- Apostrophes with Singular Nouns (Rule 1 to 2)
- Identify Apostrophes with Plural Nouns (regular nouns) (Rule 3 to 4)
- Identify Apostrophes with Plural Nouns (irregular Nouns) (Rule 4- 5)
4.36: Tenses (Practice Test)
- Present Simple Tense(Uses&Formation)
- Present Simple Tense(Table) (explanation with examples)
- Past Simple Tense(Uses&Formation)
- Past Simple Tense (Table)(explanation with examples)
- Future Simple Tense (Uses&Formation)(explanation with examples)
- Future Simple Tense (Table) (explanation with examples)
- Present Continuous Tense (Uses&Formation)
- Present Continuous Tense (Table) (explanation with examples)
4.37: Punctuation (Practice Test)
- Punctuate the Sentences Correctly (Writing activities)
- More on Punctuate the Sentences Correctly
- Use of Comma (read/write)
- Apostrophes with Singular Nouns (Rule 1 to 2)
- Identify Apostrophes with Plural Nouns (regular nouns) (Rule 3 to 4)
- Identify Apostrophes with Plural Nouns (irregular Nouns) (Rule 4- 5)
Chapter 5:
Reading and Thinking Skills (13 videos)
5.1: Greetings (good morning, good evening etc)
- Greetings (Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening)
- Greeting Teachers and Elders
- Greetings (good evening/where do you live/bye etc)
- Greetings (Assalam-o-Aleikum/Good Morning/Goodbye etc)
- Greetings (Hello! Good morning/Good bye)
5.2: Myself-Monologue(reading /explanation/activities)
5.3: Expressing Feelings-Dialogue (reading /explanation/activities)
5.4: Expressions
5.5: Elements of a Story
5.6: Basic Colours (Red, Blue, Green, yellow etc)
Chapter 6:
Writing Skills (12 videos)
6.1: Look at Picture & Write This/These Sentences (look/write)
- Look at Picture & Write This/These Sentences (look/write)
- More on Look at Picture & Write This/These Sentences
6.2: Use Clues to Make Complete Sentences (think/discuss/write)
- Use Clues to Make Complete Sentences (think/discuss/write)
- More on Use Clues to Make Complete Sentences
6.3: Good Manners-Tick/Fill Speech Bubbles(explanation/writing)
6.4: Writing a Narrative Paragraph
6.5: Writing Sentences
6.6: Mind Map
- Writing a Paragraph with the help of a Mind Map Part 1
- Writing a Paragraph with the help of a Mind Map part 2
6.7: Picture Writing (how to develop a paragraph)
6.8: Writing an Invitation
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