English Book Class 3 Federal Board

English Book Class 3 Federal Board

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English Book Class 3 Federal Board

فیڈرل بورڈ اسلام آباد  کلاس 3 کی انگلش

Table of Content for: Federal Board

Class 3 > English

(Total Videos: 411 )


Chapter 2:
Pronunciation and Spelling (124 videos)
2.1: Vowels (a-e-i-o-u/sounds)
  1. Vowels Introduction (letters a,e,i,o,u)
  2. Exercise Vowels Introduction
  3. Short and Long Vowel Sounds
  4. Exercise-Short and Long Vowel Sounds
  5. Exercise-Short and Long Vowels Combined
  6. Exercise-Vowel Sounds Mixed
  7. More on Exercise-Vowel Sounds Mixed
2.2: Diagraphs/Common Blends ( words with ch/sh/ph/th sounds)
  1. Ch and ph sounds with Pictures
  2. ph and th sounds with Pictures
2.3: Diagraphs/Common Blends ( words ending with ch/sh/ph/th sounds)
  1. Ending ch sh th Sounds with Pictures
2.4: Diagraphs (Sh-Ch-Th-Cr-Fr-Sp etc Sounds)(explanation/activities)
  1. Two Letter Blends with Letter-a (a+t = at etc)
  2. Two Letter Blends with Letter-e (e+n = en etc)
  3. Two Letter Blends with Letter-i (i+g = ig etc)
  4. Two Letter Blends with Letter-o (o+t = ot etc)
  5. Two Letter Blends with Letter-u (u+n = un etc)
2.5: Two Letter Blends-at,ig,ut,en,ed,ub,um,un,op,ot etc
  1. Two Letter Blends with Letter-a (a+t = at etc)
  2. Three Letter Blends-cat, bat, etc
  3. Two Letter Blends with Letter-e (e+n = en etc)
  4. Three Letter Blends-big, fin, etc
  5. Two Letter Blends with Letter-i (i+g = ig etc)
  6. Three Letter Blends-dog, hog, etc
  7. Two Letter Blends with Letter-o (o+t = ot etc)
  8. Three Letter Blends-bug, hug, etc
  9. Two Letter Blends with Letter-u (u+n = un etc)
2.6: Letter Blends with Sounds (three letter words:cat,big,hog,hug etc)
  1. Three Letter Blends-cat, bat, etc
  2. Initial Blends (words starting with cr, dr, gr)
  3. Three Letter Blends-big, fin, etc
  4. Initial Blends (words starting with fr, tr, pl, fl)
  5. Three Letter Blends-dog, hog, etc
  6. Initial Blends-mixed (words starting with cr,dr,gr,fr,tr,pl,fl)
  7. Three Letter Blends-bug, hug, etc
2.7: Initial Blends (two starting letters make one sound-cr/dr etc)
  1. Final Blends-og, ag
  2. Initial Blends (words starting with cr, dr, gr)
  3. Final Blends-mixed og, ag, ow
  4. Initial Blends (words starting with fr, tr, pl, fl)
  5. Initial Blends-mixed (words starting with cr,dr,gr,fr,tr,pl,fl)
2.8: Final Blends (two ending letters make one sound-og/ag/ow)
  1. Initial ‘Cl’ Sound in Words (read/fill blanks)
  2. Final Blends-og, ag
  3. Final Blends-mixed og, ag, ow
2.9: Initial ‘Cl’ Sound in Words (read/fill blanks)
  1. Words Ending with ight/igh (read/write)
  2. Initial ‘Cl’ Sound in Words (read/fill blanks)
2.10: Words Ending with ight/igh (read/write)
  1. Words Ending with ight/igh (read/write)
  2. Letter Blends (vowel-consonant-vowel)-rate etc
  3. More on Letter Blends (vowel-consonant-vowel)-cage etc
  4. More on Letter Blends (vowel-consonant-vowel)-mute etc
  5. Letter Blends (vowel-vowel-consonant)-rain etc
  6. More on Letter Blends (vowel-vowel-consonant)-keen etc
  7. Letter Blends (consonant-vowel-vowel)-bees etc
  8. More on Letter Blends (consonant-vowel-vowel)-seat etc
2.11: Letter Blends with Sounds (four letter words)
  1. Letter Blends (vowel-consonant-vowel)-rate etc
  2. 3 Letter Rhyming Words (ending with in)
  3. More on Letter Blends (vowel-consonant-vowel)-cage etc
  4. 3 Letter Rhyming Words (ending with at)
  5. More on Letter Blends (vowel-consonant-vowel)-mute etc
  6. 3 Letter Rhyming Words (ending with ut)
  7. Letter Blends (vowel-vowel-consonant)-rain etc
  8. 3 Letter Rhyming Words (ending with ot)
  9. More on Letter Blends (vowel-vowel-consonant)-keen etc
  10. 3 Letter Rhyming Words (ending with en)
  11. Letter Blends (consonant-vowel-vowel)-bees etc
  12. 3 Letter Rhyming Words (ending with ar)
  13. More on Letter Blends (consonant-vowel-vowel)-seat etc
2.12: Three Letter Rhyming Words (ending with in/at/ut/ot/en/ar)
  1. 4 Letter Rhyming Words (ending with ake)
  2. 3 Letter Rhyming Words (ending with in)
  3. 3 Letter Rhyming Words (ending with at)
  4. Exercise-4 Letter Rhyming Words (ending with ake)
  5. 3 Letter Rhyming Words (ending with ut)
  6. 4 Letter Rhyming Words (ending with ock)
  7. 3 Letter Rhyming Words (ending with ot)
  8. Exercise-4 Letter Rhyming Words (ending with ock)
  9. 3 Letter Rhyming Words (ending with en)
  10. 4 Letter Rhyming Words (ending with ook)
  11. 3 Letter Rhyming Words (ending with ar)
  12. Exercise-4 Letter Rhyming Words (ending with ook)
  13. 4 Letter Rhyming Words (ending with ing)
  14. Exercise-4 Letter Rhyming Words (ending with ing)
2.13: Four Letter Rhyming Words (Ending with ake/ock/ook/ing)
  1. Unscramble Words (rearrange words to make correct spelling)
  2. 4 Letter Rhyming Words (ending with ake)
  3. Exercise-4 Letter Rhyming Words (ending with ake)
  4. 4 Letter Rhyming Words (ending with ock)
  5. Exercise-4 Letter Rhyming Words (ending with ock)
  6. 4 Letter Rhyming Words (ending with ook)
  7. Exercise-4 Letter Rhyming Words (ending with ook)
  8. 4 Letter Rhyming Words (ending with ing)
  9. Exercise-4 Letter Rhyming Words (ending with ing)
2.14: Unscramble Words (rearrange words to make correct spelling)
  1. Unscramble Words (rearrange words to make correct spelling)
  2. Minimal Pairs Part 1
2.15: Minimal Pairs
  1. Pronunciation: Silent letters in Words (with focus on silent and roll
  2. Minimal Pairs Part 1
  3. Pronunciation: Silent letters in Words (with focus on”lk”, “wr”, “kn”)
2.16: Pronunciation: Silent Letters in Words
  1. Pronunciation: Silent letters in Words (with focus on silent and roll
  2. Doubling Consonants
  3. Pronunciation: Silent letters in Words (with focus on”lk”, “wr”, “kn”)
2.17: Double Consonants
  1. Doubling Consonants
  2. Spelling Tripple Consonant (recognizing letter patterns for spelling)
2.18: Spelling Tripple Consonants (consonant Clusters)
  1. One Syllable Words (corn, nest etc)
  2. Spelling Tripple Consonant (recognizing letter patterns for spelling)
2.19: One Syllable Words (words with one sound beat-corn, nest etc)
  1. One Syllable Words (corn, nest etc)
  2. Two Syllable Words-but/ter, san/dal etc
  3. Two Syllable Words-can/dle, ti/ger etc
2.20: Two Syllable Words (words with two sound beats-but/ter etc)
  1. Two Syllable Words-but/ter, san/dal etc
  2. Affect of letter “e” on Sounds of other Letters in a Word Part 1
  3. Two Syllable Words-can/dle, ti/ger etc
  4. Affect of letter “e” on Sounds of other Letters in a Word Part 2
  5. The sound “ul” at the End of Words Spelled “le”
  6. Words that Break the Rule of “se” Pronounced as “z” and End in “ze”
2.21: Affect of Letters on Sounds of other Letters
  1. Analogy Part 1
  2. Affect of letter “e” on Sounds of other Letters in a Word Part 1
  3. Analogy Part 2
  4. Affect of letter “e” on Sounds of other Letters in a Word Part 2
  5. Analogy Part 3
  6. The sound “ul” at the End of Words Spelled “le”
  7. Analogy Part 4
  8. Words that Break the Rule of “se” Pronounced as “z” and End in “ze”
  9. Analogy Part 5
2.22: Analogy
  1. Analogy Part 1
  2. ed’ Sounds
  3. Analogy Part 2
  4. Analogy Part 3
  5. Analogy Part 4
  6. Analogy Part 5
2.23: Different Sounds of ‘ed’
  1. Intonation Patterns with Examples
  2. ed’ Sounds
2.24: Stress and Intonation
  1. Intonation Patterns with Examples

Chapter 3:
Reading Comprehension Skills (Prose/Poetry) and Passages
(10 videos)
3.1: Reading Comprehension Skills (Prose)
  1. Reading and Comprehension Skills Part 1
  2. Reading and Comprehension Skills Part 2
  3. Reading and Comprehension Skills Part 3
3.2: Reading Comprehension Skills (Prose)
  1. Reading and Comprehension Skills Poetry Part 1
  2. Reading and Comprehension Skills Poetry Part 2
3.3: Names of Provinces and Cities(reading /explanation/writing)
  1. Names of Provinces and Cities(reading /explanation/writing)
3.4: Good Manners-Sentences(reading /explanation/activities)
  1. Exercise-Good Manners(tick correct option)
  2. Good Manners-Sentences(reading /explanation/activities)
3.5: Good Manners-Tick/Fill Speech Bubbles(explanation/writing)
  1. Exercise-Good Manners(fill speech bubbles)
3.6: Complete Sentences-Good Manners (explanation/writing)
  1. Complete Sentences-Good Manners (explanation/writing)

   Chapter 4:

Grammar (231 videos)   (Practice Test)

4.1: Parts of Speech (Introduction)  (Practice Test)
  1. Parts of Speech (introduction)
  2. Nouns (explanation with examples)
  3. Pronouns (explanation with examples)
  4. Adjectives (explanation with examples)
  5. Verbs (explanation with examples)
  6. Adverbs (explanation with examples)
  7. Conjunctions (explanation with examples)
  8. Prepositions (explanation with examples)
  9. Interjections (explanation with examples)
4.2: Use of Capital Letters for Proper Names
  1. Use of Capital Letter to Begin Names of People
  2. Place (kitchen, bedroom, park etc)
4.3: Pronouns (he, she ,it, they)
  1. The Pronouns-1 (he, she, it and they-picture/passage)
  2. The Pronouns-2 (he, she, it and they-picture/passage)
  3. Pronouns (his/her-fill in blanks)
  4. Pronouns (I, am, you, are, he, she, it, is-sentences)
4.4: Common and Proper Nouns (explanation/activities)  (Practice Test)
  1. Common and Proper Nouns (Define/explanation/activities)
  2. Use Pronouns to Change Sentences (explanation/fill blanks)
  3. Match Pronouns with is, am, are (explanation/match columns)
  4. Use Pronouns to Complete Sentences (guess/fill blanks)
  5. Write Correct Pronoun (guess/write)
  6. Nouns (explanation with examples)
  7. Adjectives (explanation with examples)
  8. Verbs (explanation with examples)
  9. Pronouns (explanation with examples)
4.5: Regular an Irregular Nouns (plural form)  (Practice Test)
  1. Gender Nouns
  2. Changing Noun Number to Plural Part 1
  3. Changing Noun Number to Plural Part 2
4.6: Kinds of Adjectives  (Practice Test)
  1. Use of Determiners
  2. Degrees of Comparison (explanation with examples)
  3. Exercise-Degrees of comparison
4.7: Action Words (jump, walk, eat, run etc)
  1. Action Words 1- walk,jump, etc
  2. Action Words 2- eat, drink, etc
  3. Exercise-Action words
  4. Actions Words (verbs-write, read, paint etc)
  5. Look and Say: Actions (cooking, praying etc)
  6. Action Words (Verb-eating, reading etc/sentences)
4.8: Fill Blanks with Action Words (explanation/writing)
  1. Fill Blanks with Action Words (explanation/writing)
4.9: Verb To Be (is, am, are etc)(explanation/activities)
  1. Use of Can & Cannot (exlpanation/complete sentences)
  2. More on Use of Can & Cannot
4.10: Use of Can & Cannot (exlpanation/complete sentences)  (Practice Test)
  1. Use of Can & Cannot (exlpanation/complete sentences)
  2. Forms of Verbs for Regular Verbs (explanation with examples)
  3. More on Use of Can & Cannot
  4. Forms of Verbs for Irregular Verbs (explanation with examples)
4.11: Regular and Irregular Verbs  (Practice Test)
  1. Use of Has and have (explanation/fill columns)
  2. Forms of Verbs for Regular Verbs (explanation with examples)
  3. Use of Has and have (explanation/fill blanks)
  4. Forms of Verbs for Irregular Verbs (explanation with examples)
4.12: Use of Has and Have (explanation/activities)
  1. Prepositions: Where is it? (in, on, under)
  2. Use of Has and have (explanation/fill columns)
  3. Use of Has and have (explanation/fill blanks)
4.13: Prepositions-Where is it? (in, on, under)
  1. Prepositions: Where is it? (in, on, under)
  2. Singular and Plural (one and more than one things)
  3. Exercise-Singular and Plural (one and more than one things)
  4. Plurals (more than one things) ending with ss sound
  5. More on Plurals (more than one things) ending with ss sound
  6. Plurals (more than one things) ending with zz sound
  7. More on Plurals (more than one things) ending with zz sound
  8. “Singular/Plural: ending “”es”” sound (explanation/activities)”
4.14: Singular and Plural (Book-Books, Tree-Trees etc)
  1. Question Words: What, When etc.(Writing activities)
  2. Singular and Plural (one and more than one things)
  3. Exercise-Singular and Plural (one and more than one things)
  4. Use of Question Words
  5. Plurals (more than one things) ending with ss sound
  6. More on Plurals (more than one things) ending with ss sound
  7. Plurals (more than one things) ending with zz sound
  8. More on Plurals (more than one things) ending with zz sound
  9. “Singular/Plural: ending “”es”” sound (explanation/activities)”
4.15: Question Words (who, what, when etc)(explanation/activities)
  1. Use of Am Is Are in Sentences
  2. Question Words: What, When etc.(Writing activities)
  3. Exercise-Use of Am Is Are
  4. Use of Question Words
  5. More on Exercise-Use of Am Is Are
  6. Use of B Form-Is Am Are (pictures/sentences)
  7. Greeting Cards (how to make)
4.16: Helping Verbs-Use of Am Is Are in Sentences
  1. Use of Am Is Are in Sentences
  2. “Singular/Plural: ending “”es”” sound (explanation/activities)”
  3. Exercise-Use of Am Is Are
  4. More on Exercise-Use of Am Is Are
  5. Use of B Form-Is Am Are (pictures/sentences)
  6. Greeting Cards (how to make)
4.17: Singular/Plural: ending “es” sound (explanation/activities)
  1. Indefinite Articles (a, an)(writing sentences)
  2. “Singular/Plural: ending “”es”” sound (explanation/activities)”
  3. Use of ‘a’ and ‘an’ (indefinite articles) (explanation/activities)
4.18: Indefinite Articles (a, an)(explanation/activities)  (Practice Test)
  1. Indefinite Articles (a, an)(writing sentences)
  2. Definite and Indefinite Articles (explanation with examples)
  3. Use of ‘a’ and ‘an’ (indefinite articles) (explanation/activities)
  4. Exercise-Articles
  5. Articles (explanation/identify/insert articles)
4.19: Articles  (Practice Test)
  1. Definite and Indefinite Articles (explanation with examples)
  2. Subject-Verb Agreement Part 1 (explanation with examples)
  3. Exercise-Articles
  4. Subject-Verb Agreement Part 2 (explanation with examples)
  5. Articles (explanation/identify/insert articles)
  6. Subject-Verb Agreement Part 3 (explanation with examples)
  7. Subject-Verb Agreement Part 4 (explanation with examples)
4.20: Subject-Verb Agreement  (Practice Test)
  1. I am a girl (picture/sentence)
  2. Subject-Verb Agreement Part 1 (explanation with examples)
  3. Exercise-I am a girl
  4. Subject-Verb Agreement Part 2 (explanation with examples)
  5. Subject-Verb Agreement Part 3 (explanation with examples)
  6. I am a boy (picture/sentence)
  7. Exercise-I am a boy
  8. Subject-Verb Agreement Part 4 (explanation with examples)
  9. I drink juice (picture/sentence)
  10. Exercise-I drink juice
  11. I play cricket (picture/sentence)
  12. Exercise-I play cricket
  13. I eat rice (picture/sentence)
  14. Exercise-I eat rice
  15. This is a pen (picture/sentence)
  16. Exercise-This is a pen
  17. This is a book (picture/sentence)
  18. Exercise-This is a book
  19. This is a bag (picture/sentence)
  20. Exercise-This is a bag
  21. This is a table (picture/sentence)
  22. Exercise-This is a table
4.21: Use of My and Your (writing sentences)
  1. Telling and Asking Sentences (She is a girl/What are these?)
  2. Exercise-Telling and Asking Sentences
  3. Request (Please sit down etc)
  4. Dialogue: May I come in, sir?
4.22: Point to Yourself/Things and Read (sentences)
  1. Commands and Instructions (do this, do that etc)
  2. I am a girl (picture/sentence)
  3. Exercise-I am a girl
  4. I am a boy (picture/sentence)
  5. Exercise-I am a boy
  6. I drink juice (picture/sentence)
  7. Exercise-I drink juice
  8. I play cricket (picture/sentence)
  9. Exercise-I play cricket
  10. I eat rice (picture/sentence)
  11. Exercise-I eat rice
  12. This is a pen (picture/sentence)
  13. Exercise-This is a pen
  14. This is a book (picture/sentence)
  15. Exercise-This is a book
  16. This is a bag (picture/sentence)
  17. Exercise-This is a bag
  18. This is a table (picture/sentence)
  19. Exercise-This is a table
4.23: Telling and Asking Sentences (She is a girl/What are these?)
  1. Telling and Asking Sentences (She is a girl/What are these?)
  2. Question about Book
  3. Question about Table
  4. Exercise-Telling and Asking Sentences
  5. Question about Pen
  6. Request (Please sit down etc)
  7. Dialogue: May I come in, sir?
  8. Question about Bag
4.24: Commands and Instructions (do this, do that etc)
  1. Commands and Instructions (do this, do that etc)
  2. Questions with Where-1
  3. Questions starting with Where-2
4.25: Questions about book, table, pen and bag
  1. Question about Book
  2. Identify a Sentence (explanation/activities)
  3. Question about Table
  4. Question about Pen
  5. Question about Bag
4.26: Questions with Where (Where is the moon? etc)
  1. Questions with Where-1
  2. Rearrange Words to make a Sentence(explanation/activities)
  3. Questions starting with Where-2
  4. More on Rearrange Words to make a Sentence
4.27: Identify a Sentence (explanation/activities)  (Practice Test)
  1. Identify a Sentence (explanation/activities)
  2. Joining Sentences by inserting “or, and, but”
  3. Joining Sentences by inserting “so or because”
4.28: Rearrange Words to make a Sentence(explanation/activities)
  1. Rearrange Words to make a Sentence(explanation/activities)
  2. This (sentences)
  3. More on Rearrange Words to make a Sentence
  4. More on This (sentences)
  5. That (sentences)
  6. More on That (sentences)
  7. Use An with This
  8. Use of an with That (sentences)
4.29: Conjunctions  (Practice Test)
  1. These (sentences)
  2. Joining Sentences by inserting “or, and, but”
  3. More on These
  4. Joining Sentences by inserting “so or because”
  5. Those (sentences)
  6. More on Those (sentences)
4.30: Use of This and That (Sentences)
  1. Q&A about This and That (reading/explanation/writing)
  2. This (sentences)
  3. More on This (sentences)
  4. That (sentences)
  5. More on That (sentences)
  6. Use An with This
  7. Use of an with That (sentences)
4.31: Use of These and Those (Sentences)
  1. Q&A about These and Those (reading/explanation/writing)
  2. These (sentences)
  3. Q&A about These and Those (reading/explanation/writing)
  4. More on These
  5. Those (sentences)
  6. More on Those (sentences)
4.32: Q&A about This and That (reading/explanation/writing)  (Practice Test)
  1. Q&A about This and That (reading/explanation/writing)
  2. Sentence and Order of its Parts
  3. Sentence Analysis (subject, verb, object etc. all combined)
  4. Simple Sentences (explanation with examples)
4.33: Q&A about These and Those (reading/explanation/writing)  (Practice Test)
  1. Q&A about These and Those (reading/explanation/writing)
  2. Present Simple Tense(Uses&Formation)
  3. Q&A about These and Those (reading/explanation/writing)
  4. Present Simple Tense(Table) (explanation with examples)
4.34: Types of Sentences  (Practice Test)
  1. Sentence and Order of its Parts
  2. Present Simple Tense(Uses&Formation)
  3. Present Simple Tense(Table) (explanation with examples)
  4. Sentence Analysis (subject, verb, object etc. all combined)
  5. Past Simple Tense(Uses&Formation)
  6. Simple Sentences (explanation with examples)
  7. Past Simple Tense (Table)(explanation with examples)
  8. Future Simple Tense (Uses&Formation)(explanation with examples)
  9. Future Simple Tense (Table) (explanation with examples)
  10. Present Continuous Tense (Uses&Formation)
  11. Present Continuous Tense (Table) (explanation with examples)
4.35: Present Tense  (Practice Test)
  1. Punctuate the Sentences Correctly (Writing activities)
  2. Present Simple Tense(Uses&Formation)
  3. More on Punctuate the Sentences Correctly
  4. Present Simple Tense(Table) (explanation with examples)
  5. Use of Comma (read/write)
  6. Apostrophes with Singular Nouns (Rule 1 to 2)
  7. Identify Apostrophes with Plural Nouns (regular nouns) (Rule 3 to 4)
  8. Identify Apostrophes with Plural Nouns (irregular Nouns) (Rule 4- 5)
4.36: Tenses  (Practice Test)
  1. Present Simple Tense(Uses&Formation)
  2. Present Simple Tense(Table) (explanation with examples)
  3. Past Simple Tense(Uses&Formation)
  4. Past Simple Tense (Table)(explanation with examples)
  5. Future Simple Tense (Uses&Formation)(explanation with examples)
  6. Future Simple Tense (Table) (explanation with examples)
  7. Present Continuous Tense (Uses&Formation)
  8. Present Continuous Tense (Table) (explanation with examples)
4.37: Punctuation  (Practice Test)
  1. Punctuate the Sentences Correctly (Writing activities)
  2. More on Punctuate the Sentences Correctly
  3. Use of Comma (read/write)
  4. Apostrophes with Singular Nouns (Rule 1 to 2)
  5. Identify Apostrophes with Plural Nouns (regular nouns) (Rule 3 to 4)
  6. Identify Apostrophes with Plural Nouns (irregular Nouns) (Rule 4- 5)

Chapter 5:
Reading and Thinking Skills (13 videos)
5.1: Greetings (good morning, good evening etc)
  1. Greetings (Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening)
  2. Greeting Teachers and Elders
  3. Greetings (good evening/where do you live/bye etc)
  4. Greetings (Assalam-o-Aleikum/Good Morning/Goodbye etc)
  5. Greetings (Hello! Good morning/Good bye)
5.2: Myself-Monologue(reading /explanation/activities)
  1. Myself-Monologue(reading /explanation/activities)
5.3: Expressing Feelings-Dialogue (reading /explanation/activities)
  1. Expressing Feelings-Dialogue (reading /explanation/activities)
5.4: Expressions
  1. Expressing Needs and Wants
5.5: Elements of a Story
  1. Elements of a Story Part 1
  2. Elements of a Story Part 2
5.6: Basic Colours (Red, Blue, Green, yellow etc)
  1. Basic Colours
  2. Exercise-Basic Colours
  3. Colours with Pictures

Chapter 6:
Writing Skills (12 videos)
6.1: Look at Picture & Write This/These Sentences (look/write)
  1. Look at Picture & Write This/These Sentences (look/write)
  2. More on Look at Picture & Write This/These Sentences
6.2: Use Clues to Make Complete Sentences (think/discuss/write)
  1. Use Clues to Make Complete Sentences (think/discuss/write)
  2. More on Use Clues to Make Complete Sentences
6.3: Good Manners-Tick/Fill Speech Bubbles(explanation/writing)
  1. Exercise-Good Manners(fill speech bubbles)
6.4: Writing a Narrative Paragraph
  1. Writing a Narrative Paragraph Part 1
  2. Writing a Narrative Paragraph Part 2
6.5: Writing Sentences
  1. Writing Sentences
6.6: Mind Map
  1. Writing a Paragraph with the help of a Mind Map Part 1
  2. Writing a Paragraph with the help of a Mind Map part 2
6.7: Picture Writing (how to develop a paragraph)
  1. Picture Writing Part 1 (how to develop a paragraph)
6.8: Writing an Invitation
  1. Writing an Invitation

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