How To Perform Hajj
The rituals of performing hajj explained in simple English
by Shaykh Muhammad Saleem Dhorat
Hadhrat Maulana M. Na’eemullah Faarooqi M.A.
On Sunday 9th April 1995, 1 visited Hadhrat Maulana Muhammad Saleem Dhorat and I found him proof reading a document. When I looked into the proof reading material, it was a booklet entitled ‘How to Perform Haj ‘f . I could not resist going through it, and as I progressed through the book, I became very happy and made du’an from the depth of my heart. May the Almighty Allah accept this excellent endeavour and make it instrumental for reward in the Hereafter. May He also grant readers the tawfeeq to derive maximum benefit from it. Aameen.
In this booklet, Hadhrat Maulana has presented the requisite masaa’il of Hajj in an extremely simplified manner, and has rectified mistakes committed by pilgrims in general. He has, in fact, provided an excellent guide through the current difficulties faced by the pilgrims. I must say that I have not previously come across such a comprehensive and precise booklet on the subject.
(Shaykh) Muhammad Na’eemullah Faarooqi (M.A.)
Khateeb, Masjid Zaynab,
Lahore, Pakistan.
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