The Compiler’s Introduction to the Author of these discourses
I have heard Maulana’s name (may Allah have mercy on him) during my student days, but the opportunity of meeting him personally occurred perhaps in Ramadaan 1353 A.H. After this for four to five years without any special object and desire, just as the occasion allowed, I had the opportunity of meeting him many times. From these casual and cursory meetings I did not understand much, but that he was a sincere and learned man of olden times and also a model of a pious saint, except being unacquainted with the needs of the present times and the problems of the age. Inspite of this, he had the zeal and spirit for the reformation of the Muslims.
In any case, during these meetings I was not much impressed with the Maulana’s personality, neither did I have any special consideration for his movement towards Deeni dawat (religious invitation) until 1358 A.H. when a great learned man, well versed with the needs of the times, a man with great intellect and an author who himself met Maulana Ilyas (Rahmatullahi alaihi), saw the benefits of the work and wrote about it in an article. As far as 1 can remember, more or less, it was for the first time, that through this article the importance of this work dawned on me.
After a few days, 1 intended to visit the Maulana with the idea to get a deeper insight and acquaintance of his striving and struggling for tabligh by going to Delhi with my friends, Maulana Abut Hassan Nadwi and another companion Molvi Adbul Wahid Sahib RA. It so happened that on reaching Delhi, a telegram came from home requesting for my return, upon which 1 left my two companions and returned. On this journey, my two friends had for the first time made a substantial acquaintance with the Maulana and went to Mewaat to experience the method, results and efforts of his tabligh work. Maulana Abul Hassan Nadwi, by his special innate natural disposition, on the very first
meeting returned impressed with the Mauiana and his work.
Through his letters, he also tried to impress me and draw my attention to it. Because I had seen Mauiana many times and on account of my weak insight, I was still not much impressed. Therefore, Mauiana Ali’s letters did not create any special effect on me. Yes, his letters did necessarily increase my initial urge and love to become more substantial and I gained a deeper acquaintance with Maulana’s Deeni invitation.
After some days a large ijtima (gathering) was decided to be held in the area of Mewaat. I was also requested to attend it. Out of my own enthusiasm, I attended it.
1 remember that on this journey, on different occasions, I listened to the Maulana’s talks and having seen with my own eyes the extra-ordinary changes that had entered in the Mewaati people, I now, for the first time, perceived the loftiness of the tablighi movement. However, the impression was to that extent that it could make me decide to do the work.
Malfoozat – Discourses of Maulana Muhammad Ilyas (r.a)
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