0 thoughts on “Zakir Naik Aik Tajziya Aik Tehqeeq By Shaykh Mufti Hammadullah Waheed

  1. Assalamu alaikum,
    Could you please provide all this books in english.
    jazakallah for the initiative.

  2. Assalamu alaikum,
    Could you please provide all this books in english.
    Jazakallah for the initiative.

  3. dont close your eyes, mind and behave like a jealous, brainwashed and ostrich….dr. zakir is not proving quran a science book, instead of he is describing only established facts who is according to quran also right…..why u did not answer wiliam campvell for more than five years……………now you are wasting your time and energy in pulling legs.

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